Thursday, 26 July 2012

Total Core Deluxe - The Simplest 360 Degree Core Workout

Total Core Deluxe - The Simplest 360 Degree Core Workout

By Ned Middleton

When reading some of the reviews posted elsewhere for this product, anyone considering purchase might easily become confused by the diversity of views expressed with some people able to rate this as a 5 star product alongside others who give the lowest possible grade. I can only hope my own assessment will prove useful.

I have always enjoyed keeping seriously fit. Last year, however, (at the age of 61!) I really overdid things, seriously hurt my back and have been out of action for several months. Right now I am getting back into shape and just happened to see this product advertised on one of those late-night TV shopping channels and bought one. Overall, I am glad I did - though I do not believe the item is as good as described by the manufacturers (or that programme!).

The machine arrived in good order and was very (very!) easy to assemble. I immediately completed 40 sit ups and repeated the process a few hours later. The following day I was already doing 100 and not feeling the effects of over-strain. Whilst I may, therefore, have found these exercises relatively easy, I really did need the back-support this machine provides. I fully agree, therefore, with the comment about there being very little resistance for those who are used to doing sit-ups. Point being, even moderately fit people are not going to benefit from this machine because they will find it all far too easy and, for that reason, the product deserves a minimum One Star rating for not being exactly as described on the packet.

On the other hand, there are also those who are, perhaps, overweight, out-of-condition and have never done any sit-ups at all - ever! Plus those, who like me, who are trying to get back into the game after having been laid up. For these users I would give this product a 5 star rating (hence my in-the-middle 3 Star assessment) and a full recommendation if only because the spring-loaded back-rest really does help the user get started and continue with completing the required task.

As for further claims about that `Mr (or Mrs) Universe' body, I defy anyone at all to develop a personal set of designer Abs as promoted by the manufacturers from just using this machine. Life is not that simple and this device is not that good. It is, however, very good for those at the right level.

In summary, therefore, if you are reasonably fit, this is not for you and you should consider moving on in order to find something harder to suit your own strength. If, on the other hand, you need to do something about your personal fitness and are starting from absolute scratch, then I am quite certain you will benefit from regular (daily) use of this product - just start slowly and add a little more each day.

And good luck because anything is better than being a couch potato and it will not be long before you start to feel very good about yourself.

I hope this helps.


Click to>>>>>Super Abdominal Strength

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