Saturday, 14 July 2012

Ab Rocket Abdominal Trainer Reviews

Weider Crunch Trainer
Ab Rocket Abdominal Trainer Reviews


By John Davenport

Many exercise machines are heavily advertised on TV, but none appear to dominate our screen as the Ab Rocket Abdominal Trainer does.

What is this abs machine? How does it work and what is it supposed to do for you?
The infomercial for the AbRocket is clear that this exercise machine will help you to lose belly fat, tone your abs, slim up your waist, and give you the kind of abs that you've always longed for. This is shown through the use of several men and women with great looking stomachs which swear by the AbRocket.

The Ab Rocket is an abdominal trainer which is supposed to make it easier to do ab crunches by giving you support for your neck and back. The back cushions are also supposed to give you a massage as you workout, making it more enjoyable.

Does the Ab Rocket really work?
This is something which is not certain. If you look around the internet, you will find some positive reviews but also many negative testimonials. From these testimonials by people who've used the AbRocket, it is clear that there are some common issues surrounding it:
1. The cushions don't really give such a good massage - Frankly, I couldn't care less about the massage myself. It's vastly more important whether this exercise machine really does work.

2. The 3 levels or resistance aren't good enough for fit people. This is something that I've read a few times. The Ab Rocket may be good for beginners but not for advanced people.
3. The Abs Rocket, like many other machines aren't suitable for people of all sizes. If you're short or tall, you may find this machine uncomfortable.

In my mind, you need to ask yourself whether having this abs exerciser in your home will get you to do more abs workouts. If so, then, by all means, get it. However, I believe that it will not be enough to get the perfect stomach. You need a much more comprehensive training and nutritional system to achieve that.

For more information about this machine go here: AbRocket Reviews and Testimonials
To see how well this machine works, go here: Does the Ab Rocket Work?
John Davenport is a health and fitness author. He is the author of the Emotional Eating Solution program - a way to overcome craving, overeating, and binge eating. His articles have been features on numerous websites.

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